Evil At Heart

Gretchen is still on the loose. At a rest stop outside of town, more evidence of murder is reappearing. In the past, Archie and his family stopped there years ago on a family vacation. These murders don’t follow the same pattern as before and that leaves Henry and Archie wondering if Gretchen is committing these crimes. Where’s Archie? He checked himself in a mental hospital for a much-needed rest and to kick the drug habit that had destroyed his life, career and family. Journalist Susan Ward is back and very much involved in the murders and as always she is getting into the way. It seems Gretchen has a group of copy-cat killers that are going in and around the city reenacting her behavior. In the end, the reader has to wonder whether the killers are a help or a hinderance to Henry and Archie. This book leaves the readers with an ending no one could have imagined.

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