Profiles in Fashion Kate Spade

There was an interest in learning about certain designers who specialized in the accessories business. Kate Spade just happened to be one of those designers who designed to fulfill a need in the handbag business. This profile explains both the personal and professional life of Kate Spade and her husband, Andy. How their decisions stemmed from Kate’s upbringing in the Midwest and the values she held onto when it came to her designs. Partners in business and life along with their desire to keep products true to their own personal style without patterning themselves after other designers. Reading about the ins and outs about the competitive world of fashion and how the Spades made it work. It is a great insight into the world of accessory fashion and a partnership between a husband and wife that works.

Categories: Fashion


Dr. Claire Elliot is the new doctor in Tranquillity, Maine and her presence isn’t much to be desired. Her attempt to relocate from Baltimore to save her fourteen-year old son, Noah is proving to be mistake. One house visit and Claire stumbles upon a human bone which brings back the horror that took place at Locust lake in 1946. This bone discovery along with the irrational behavior of the Maine children, brings in Chief Lincoln Kelly and the local Maine law enforcement to help solve the case. This never-ending search to find out the truth about the children in Maine keeps the readers off their seat.

Categories: Adult Fiction

Evil At Heart

Gretchen is still on the loose. At a rest stop outside of town, more evidence of murder is reappearing. In the past, Archie and his family stopped there years ago on a family vacation. These murders don’t follow the same pattern as before and that leaves Henry and Archie wondering if Gretchen is committing these crimes. Where’s Archie? He checked himself in a mental hospital for a much-needed rest and to kick the drug habit that had destroyed his life, career and family. Journalist Susan Ward is back and very much involved in the murders and as always she is getting into the way. It seems Gretchen has a group of copy-cat killers that are going in and around the city reenacting her behavior. In the end, the reader has to wonder whether the killers are a help or a hinderance to Henry and Archie. This book leaves the readers with an ending no one could have imagined.


Grethen Lowell was locked up in maximum security. The vistations between her and Archie had ceased. Archie tried to move on with his life and family, but something was wrong. Archie was miserable without Gretchen’s visitation. There was a secret between the two that noone knew about, at least that is what they thought. Archie, Henry and Susan has to solved the park crime murders, and if that wasn’t enough pressure Gretchen has escaped. Archie is thrilled, Henry is pissed and Susan is worried. People are starting to die all over again, and one has to wonder if Gretchen is responsible. This story has more twists and turns than the first book, HeartSick. Chelsea Cain has written a great sequel that will answer HeartSick questions and leave the reader with more questions to ponder.

Ice Cold

Dr Maura Isles was looking forward to a medical conference in Wyoming. There was one thing that could make her change her plans, Daniel Brophy. A secret love that hasn’t move forward. On this trip Maura meets an old classmate Dr. Douglas Conley and decides to spend a night sking with him and his friends before going back to Boston. Bad weather, a wrong turn and landing in a ditch leads them to Kingdom Come for refuge. Unfortunately the five individuals didn’t know that the warning about going to Kingdom Come would be the last time they would see civilization again. A phone call to Maura’s colleague, Detective Jane Rizzoli alerts her that Maura is possibly dead. A visit to Wyoming, leads Jane to investigate what contribute to Maura’s disappearance. After a couple of misleads this disappearance has gone from bad to worse.

Categories: Adult Fiction

Tempted by Trouble

It all started in Detroit. Dmytryk Knight did everything right. Educated man, full of dreams ready to turn them into reality. Then he lost his corporate job, no worries get a job on the line at the auto factory. Met Cora, got married and started their new life together. Then they both lost their jobs and it becomes a dream deferred with a dose of crime filled reality. In the end what we thought we knew about the person before the mayhem turns out to be a fantasy turned reality in the end. I can tell you it doesn’t end well.

Reviewer’s note: If you are an EJD fan and remember the work of Gideon, then this book is disappointing. It is not to say it isn’t good work but it taps at a reality we all can relate to. It wasn’t an easy read for me because it was kind of predictable but I kept with it because I became attach to the character Dymtryk. I think deep down inside we always want to pull for the underdog.


Female serial killer. This Gretchen Lowell is one twisted person but according to the book she disguises it in a pretty package. Ask her latest victim, Archie Sheridan.  A Portland cop who along with his team Anne, Claire and Henry were part of the Beauty Killer Task Force who ineffectively solved the case. Archie who gave up his family voluntarily due to the secrets him and Gretchen shared from their time together. Now a new serial killer has appeared and that brings the team back together along with Susan Ward who writes about Archie and the murders along the way.

The Blue Notebook

This book is a tribute to those who have experienced any challenges in life and made it. Batuk is a fifteen year old Indian child prostitute who was sold into the sex slave trade by her father at the age of nine. Batuk allows the readers to read the notebook she writes in detailing the life in which she exists.  Its her writings that paints the journey of being a sex slave and the fearlessness that she possesses. Her imagination, beauty and good common sense made this story bearable and admirable on how she succeeded where others would have failed. Read this book because any reader on a small level can help eliminate this worldwide problem.

The Passage Progression

I have a deep fascination with the book, The Passage. I want this book to do well because of its originality when it comes to vampires. While I searched the internet, it was good to see that Justin Cronin’s book is number seven on the New York Times bestseller list. It remains in the top ten for the last five weeks. I am also pleased to note that it was voted onto Indie Next List by Indie Booksellers.

It is nice to know that even though it is a large book to consume, readers are taking  time out of their lives to read and embrace this piece of fiction. Let’s continue to support authors, local and worldwide.

The Passage

Something happen out there on that expedition and it should have stayed there. It all went to hell, when the U.S. government got their hands on it. This became a race between mankind and evil and the last time I checked, mankind was losing. Flyers, Justin Conin for introducing us to the modern-day vampire. Gone are the days of Dracula using his seductive wiles with women, now everyone is a victim? Whatever you do, do not turn off the lights.

The Passage is intense in its premise and direct in its explanation of how one’s life can change from ordinary to bizarre. The story will embrace you with its rich characters and immerse you into the world of fear and survival. Justin Conin has created a world of vampires that has no seductive nature or compassion for mankind, this here is no Dracula. There is no book in print to compare it to. It is a fascinating read with every intent and purpose to hold you spellbound. This book is worth every minute of your reading time.